to learn more about “elixir’s” ex_doc functionality and markdown
tODO() | TODO list
post_4_4_2015_a() | erlang compile on ec2 t2.micro and amazon linux |
post_3_6_2015_c() | great fiddle on loading local files with angular |
post_3_6_2015_b() | Elixir: erlang modules to look at |
post_3_6_2015_a() | Some resources around graphvis and D3 |
post_1_3_2015_a() | testing to see if I can imbed images |
post_1_2_2015_b() | DB access for functional languagesThought i'd post some links and thoughts on accessing databases with functional languages. There doesn't seem to be much published on this topic. ORM obviously doesn't make sense, but some folks seem to think there is a pattern that can be derrived from ORMs |
post_1_2_2015_a() | I wish I knew markdown a bit betterI should probly start a todo list of all the things I need to get some time to do |
post_1_1_2015() | 1/1/2015 First Post |
TODO list
figure out how to use ex_doc for a todo list
- play with file monitor to watch and compile on change like phoenix
## erlang compile on ec2 t2.micro and amazon linux
wget need the following packages installed via yum:
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo yum install ncurses-devel openssl-devel htop
## great fiddle on loading local files with angular file loader
## resources for combining D3 with angularjs
list of resources great article on exactly how to get 2 way data binding working and events propagating the article is very instructive but also it is quite confusing at points.
## Elixir: erlang modules to look at
digraph - ets based graph structure [ utils ] (
[ digraph use article ] (
fprof - profiling
- base64 : Bas64 encoding/decoding
- binary : Highly optimized binary manipulation (but I think most of it is covered in Elixir’s String and Regex modules)
- calendar : date/time manipulation, but its use is quite verbose
- crypto : Cryptography functions
- erlang : Lot’s of usefull (lowlevel) stuff in here
- ets : fast, mutable, in-memory KV-store
- http_uri : url encoding/decoding
- httpc : HTTP client
- io_lib : For complex term to string conversions
- os : interaction with the OS
- pg(2) : usefull for building pub/sub like patterns
- ssh : SSH daemon/client
- xmerl / xmerl_xpath : XML parser. It’s use is IMO quite arcane, but xmerl_xpath is actually pretty sweet if all you want to do is extract some values from some XML.
- zlib : interface to zlib compression library
- proc_lib - for spawning OTP compliant processes (for logging support)
- gb_trees - balanced tree
- ets/mnesia - for keeping server wide state and persisting data
## Some resources around graphvis and D3
This one is very nice because it supports svg foreignobject which allows you to use html templates. [ D3 graphvis or pure javascript graphs ] ( [ interactive demo here] (
[node adjacency in d3] (
[ dagre d3 with all sorts of fancy interaction ] (
[ tinkerpop blueprints property graph model description ] (
[ gray code for binary tree representation of a tournament ] (
[ more gray code, this is a blog post of how it works ] (
### Random Useful stuff
[ bootstrap form generator ] (
[ api rate limiting with redis ] (
[ awsauth for elixir and sig v 4] (
[ good write ups on angular directives ] (
testing to see if I can imbed images.
DB access for functional languages
Thought i'd post some links and thoughts on accessing databases with functional languages. There doesn't seem to be much published on this topic. ORM obviously doesn't make sense, but some folks seem to think there is a pattern that can be derrived from ORMs.
This guy seems to think writing DSL’s is the way to go. I kinda wonder ‘is a dsl different than an API?’, and: ‘why do programmers need a dsl, vs an API?’. Are ppl just trying to make simpler API’s? His lib Cascalog is based on Datalog which I know nothing about, but it seems connected to Datomic, which I have had on my list of things to check out.
At this point I’m watching eye’s wide shut and wondering why kuberick didn’t quit earlier. I found Slick Hello Slick typesafe activator sounds scary, never messed with Scala. watching the video its sounds like it needs a UI, which seems scary. something about needing an IDE to use something seems wrong. Looks worth checking out for ideas.
I wish I knew markdown a bit better
I should probly start a todo list of all the things I need to get some time to do.
wathcing swordfish on cable, why is this the only thing on when I have 900 channels
check out my new libray zdb and the main page of course or
wonder if this works
1/1/2015 First Post
first post using ex_doc for a blog. appears script tags work